
Showing posts from August, 2021

Generate random files with random content in windows

 Software_1: Link: Usage:You can run rdfc.exe in a console window under Windows, the dialog Execute… or from any other application, which can hand over starting parameters. The following starting parameters are possible: rdfc.exe <file> <size> [<unit> [<overwrite>]] <file> stands for path and name of the file which is to be created. <size> stands for the file size. You can put in any number larger than 0. Note that the number is interpreted with the unit as set for <unit>. <unit> stands for the unit of the file size. Possible values are GB, MB, kB and B, where B is the default value. <overwrite> makes it possible to overwrite existing files. Set the fourth starting parameter to overwrite. Otherwise application stops, if the file indicated by <file> already exists. Software_2: Link: Finally Move To Fill Google Drive: vultr vps -- high speed transfe...


 -去年我写了一篇用华硕路由器定时启动的教程,最近换了新的openwrt做主路由。自然也要改改版了。 1.如果需要可以先去找找之前那个教程。 2.试验是否有命令可用。 openwrt 这个系统里面wake-on-line的命令不同。 usage: etherwake [-i <ifname>] [-p aa:bb:cc:dd[:ee:ff]] 00:11:22:33:44:55 3.显然是可以唤醒的,现在添加一下计划任务,有GUI界面,我就不麻烦自己了。 50 4 * * 0 etherwake 1C:39:47:CE:11:C9 #LenovoSunday# 55 3 * * 1 etherwake 1C:39:47:CE:11:C9 #LenovoMonday# 00 5 * * 2 etherwake 1C:39:47:CE:11:C9 #LenovoTuesday# 40 4 * * 3 etherwake 1C:39:47:CE:11:C9 #LenovoWednesday# 10 5 * * 4 etherwake 1C:39:47:CE:11:C9 #LenovoThursday# 33 3 * * 5 etherwake 1C:39:47:CE:11:C9 #LenovoFriday# 05 5 * * 6 etherwake 1C:39:47:CE:11:C9 #LenovoSaturday#  


这些方法不需要动态语言就可以实现。 密码限制 < html xmlns =" " > < html > < head > < meta name =" viewport " content =" width=device-width, initial-scale=1 " /> < link rel =" icon " href =" ../favicon.png " sizes =" 23x23 " type =" image/x-icon " > < title > SUBSCRIPTION </ title > </ head > < body > < h1 > 请输入密码访问 </ h1 > < BR > < BR > < BR > < h6 > 请输入UUID: </ h6 > < BR > < input type =" text " id =" inputbox " style =" width:225px; height:30px; " value =""/> < br > < br > < input id =" button1 " type =" button " value =" ENTER " onclick =" window.location.href=document.getElementById('inputbox').value "/> < BR > < BR > </ body > < ...