
Showing posts from July, 2019


  安装包损坏,打不开怎么处理?打不开“ XXX ” , 因为它来自身份不明的开发者怎么处理 方法 1. 打开 terminal ,输入 sudo spctl --master-disable 和密码。   方法 2. 1. 打开 terminal ,在终端中粘贴下面命令: sudo xattr -r -d 然后命令后面输入个空格 ( 注意 : 命令后面有一个空格 ) 。 2. 再将应用程序提示损坏的软件拖拽到命令后面,回车,输入开机密码,密码不会显示,回车即可搞定,其他的软件亦可如此操作。

What to do if the installation package is damaged and cannot be opened in MacOS

 What to do if the installation package is damaged and cannot be opened? Can't open "XXX" because it comes from an unidentified developer. How to deal with it Method 1.  1.Open the terminal and enter sudo spctl --master-disable And password. Method 2. 1. Open the terminal, paste the following command in the terminal: sudo xattr -r -d and enter a space after the command (note: there is a space after the command). 2. Drag and drop the damaged software from the application program to the back of the command, press Enter, enter the power-on password, the password will not be displayed, press Enter to get it done, and other software can also operate in the same way. Further more, if it's not working, try to use sudo -i to get in the root account.(The password will not be displayed, press Enter to get it done)